* Erik Hofman -- Friday 18 July 2003 09:48:
> Michael Selig wrote:
> > In the process of doing the updates, I have found that the two chase 
> > views we had are now ***very*** different.  There's a lag effect that is 
> > giving me serious vertigo and there's roll now as well which is 
> > compounding the vertigo.


The traditional view only had heading damping added, which was supposed
to make taxiing and taking off/landing easier. If the viewer "flies"
behind the aircraft, we wouldn't really expect the environment to twist
on rudder input, but rather the aircraft. The traditional
("helicopter") chase view didn't change roll =at all=. That is only
in the new "chase" view, which nobody is forced to use. But I can
of course change the helicopter view in my own configuration (just
like everybody else can maintain his own settings, independent of
the default settings).

> In the mean time I I'll comment out the damping factors until we decide 
> how to handle this.

OK.   :-)


PS: The jitter in damped chase view isn't supposed to be
    a feature. It's of course a bug, and I'm investigating.

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