Durk Talsma wrote:

> On Wednesday 04 August 2004 14:41, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > Is there a way to create new instances of AIAircraft or
> > another kind on the fly, just by adding some nodes in
> > the property tree, or running a command from the telnet
> > interface, that is, without modifying the source code ?
> > Is there something planned in this direction ?
> >
> Fred,
> Just curious whether or not you had a specific purpose in mind.Creating a
> traffic file is probably the closest you can get to creating AIAircraft
> instances dynamically during the simulation, but it is not possible at the
> moment to start traffic by interacting with the property tree. As David
> already explained, creating traffic is rather involved and probably
> new code. While I like the idea and can see some uses for it, I didn't
> design the traffic manager with that idea in mind, and I don't really see
> the code could be adapted to do this.

The idea would be to control the AI traffics ( creation, animation and
deletion ) from an external program with the telnet interface.
Someone ask me if it is possible lately, and I think he is prepared
to do the required changes. I already suggested him to design new
commands for creation/deletion and use the properties for animation.
They would be 'run' from the telnet prompt.


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