On Saturday 01 October 2005 17:29, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> It is strange, it seems for me that these make-errors are due to errors
> in code - if so, why
> do *I* get the problems with make and not all other who compile the CVS
> stuff?

The errors you've found so far were all experienced by others too, don't feel 
like you're being picked on :-)  In fact, I was about to reply to your last 
email with the necessary fixes, when Erik committed them...

As to your latest errors... all I can say (knowing very little German) is that 
if it's any encouragement I have checked out and successfully built today's 
CVS SG and FG under cygwin, using GCC-3.3(.3 IIRC).  I suppose you've already 
done a "make clean" in the SG tree before trying again to build it?

If you do make it past this stage, I give you warning that the FlightGear 
build will probably fail in the GPSsmooth part of Utils - I just removed the 
"utils" directory from the makefile as a temporary work-around since I didn't 
want anything in that directory anyway.  The error was in MIDG-II.cxx, but I 
don't have access to that machine now to post it; I can do so another day if 

Keep at it, you'll get there eventually!



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