Georg Vollnhals schrieb:

Curtis L. Olson schrieb:

It sounds like you aren't current with your flightgear source or executable? Could you still be running an older build of flightgear (or not fully up to date with your source code?)


Did you upgrade your data from the cvs? Vassilii

Just as a feedback: it seems that the "file management system" (CVS/compiler) got confused as a I had the system clock set to 2006 for some time and are now back in 2005. Some older files might be considered to be the newest one due to the date of 2006 :-) There was no other way for me than to delete all CVS stuff (FlighGear, SimGear) and make a complete new download and build. Worked then without problems.
Thank you once again, Curt and Vassilii

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