Justin Smithies wrote:

>How about we just use our own system based on data from the FG prop tree.
>We already have the google map servers , so all we would need to do is get 
>other people to host their own too and become controllers for different 
>For voip / text we could use a secondary app which would run on Win , Linux & 
>Mac or develop our own.
>It would save heaps of legal issues .
>Ok it would maybe need some fine tuning but we're all good at that here :)

Well and we'd need to find qualified ATC controllers, etc.

Honestly though, I don't think we need to have any animosity towards 
commercial/proprietary groups in all of this.  Vatsim is what it is.  We 
can participate on their terms, or we can do something ourselves, and 
because this is FlightGear, we can do both.  Maybe some day far in the 
future our in-house system will rule the world, but that's no reason to 
exclude the potential for a lot of fun in the mean time.  If we build an 
independent vatsim bridge module we can satisfy the licensing terms of 
vatsim and the licensing of FlightGear at the same time.  Seems like a 
pretty reasonable route to me.

If people don't like Vatsim's approach or their licensing terms, you are 
welcome to your opinion, but maybe you should take it up with the vatsim 
folks rather than firing random shots in the air around here.  But if 
you do take it up with vatsim directly, please make it clear that you 
aren't speaking on behalf of the flightgear project as a whole.



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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