On Dec 6, 2007 1:38 PM, AnMaster <> wrote:

> I object to transparent download behind your back. As AJ suggested on IRC:
> <AJ> call it "background sneaky transfer system"

Honestly, this is a weak point.  An application has a lot of power and can
do a lot of things over the network, to the local file system, to your
personal files, etc.   An application can do these things sneakily or in an
open and straightforward manner.  How about a windows application that goes
and diddles with your registry or .dll's without telling you?  How about an
applications that goes and writes "dot" files in your home directory without
saying anything?

Many people are doing essentially a low-tech version of this same
remote/ondemand download idea for scenery using "terrasync".  I've never
heard of anyone refer to terrasync as doing something sneaky behind your

How do you guys get through life without running a web browser which <oh my>
downloads things that aren't already in your cache!

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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