On Tue, 18 May 2010, Harry Campigli wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to set up a networked slave in the normal manner, however
> I only want it to display some instruments on a panel of my design in
> an osg view.
> For this I would like to use an Intel atom board which is a pretty
> feeble MB but suits because its small, and low power use.  These
> boards don't seem to be up to running FG V2 in the normal mode.
> But surely this MB can generate and just display the instruments when
> the FDM is shutdown and the values are coming in on a socket.


My suggestion is that you find or write an application that displays just 
instruments. You can easily get the relevant data needed to drive the 
display out of FG using the generic protocol system. That way you don't 
need to change FlightGear at all. I suspect that there might even be
existing appropriate programs out there to just render instruments driven 
by data sent from FlightGear or some other flight simulator.

Hmm, or was part of your requirements that the instrument (panel) is 
created in the same way is in FG (i.e. the XML and 3d model files)?


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/


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