Thorsten wrote

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 01 December 2010 11:43
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Aircraft model/cockpit rating
> > So, if you claim that your rating is _not_ a beauty contest, then I'd
> > ask you: After taking the above mentioned thoughts into account, what's
> > left as a criteria for your rating ?
> Martin, I see no need to repeat myself over and over. Please read the
> explanations I have given so far, if you feel dissatisfied there is a
> factor of three times more explanation, response and disclaimer in the
> forum.
> If you think the scheme is grossly flawed, please point to a specific
> example where, then we can discuss that, maybe that's more productive.
> > Now, when I know a cockpit from real life, when I start FlightGear with
> > the corresponding aircraft (or vice versa) and I'm instantly getting
> > the feeling "ah, this looks pretty familiar", then I very much claim
> > this to be a valid criteria for judging about the grade of detail _and_
> > realism.
> I'd be happy if this were the main issue as it would indicate we have a
> high level of realism to begin with, but a fair share of aircraft has _no_
> gauges at all...
> Cheers,

If I might interject here, I would draw your attention to the KC135. It has
a nice cockpit, albeit 2D. A working autopilot, a radar, a reasonable
looking exterior. And, hey, it pumps gas! It should get a medium/low score
shouldn't it? Perhaps equivalent to one of our early B737s? Or something?

Now let me tell you that I knocked it up over a weekend in response to a
request for a flyable tanker. The panel is a modified B737 with a few more
bells and whistles. It has some photo-realism, but it is absolutely NOTHING
like any version of the KC135 that I'm aware of. The 3d model is a
conversion of the B707 which was already in data. It shouldn't be - the
fuselage of a KC135 is narrower than a B707. The FDM is auto-generated by
Aeromatic: good enough for government work. The only really authentic bit is
the livery. How should it be rated now? Nil? Nevertheless, it's fun to use
and fulfills a role in FG. I'm aware of several more models which come into
this category. 

The point is that your rating system can't possibly pick this up. It is a
subjective opinion of the "attractiveness" of a cockpit. Or, as I said, a
beauty contest. This does have some value, and we certainly gain from
drawing attention to those models that have no, or only rudimentary, cockpit
interior details. 


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