On 2010-12-01 15.18, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> The point is that your rating system can't possibly pick this up. It is a
> subjective opinion of the "attractiveness" of a cockpit. Or, as I said, a
> beauty contest. This does have some value, and we certainly gain from
> drawing attention to those models that have no, or only rudimentary, cockpit
> interior details.
> Vivian

Can't we just accept Thorsten's list as a review? Just like films have 
reviewers and their taste might fit yours. Either you trust the film 
review or not, and follow the recommendation. After a while you find 
your favourite reviewers and know which ones actually have similar film 
taste as you, or even better, draws your attention to films that you 
might miss otherwise.

The same goes with Thorsten's list, either you think the ratings are 
useful or not. Or better yet, create your own reviews based on more or 
less subject scores. I hope that Thorsten will keep his list up to date 
with the development of the different models ... and one day all models 
have a wow factor!

As several others stated before me, I think the list is useful and I'll 
test a few of the higher ranked planes.



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