On 26.03.2011 06:27, Robert wrote:

    However, the garbage collector does a complete scan of all Nasal
    objects to detect and remove unreachable elements. So, the more
    Nasal data elements we have, the worse the jitter gets. Large
    Nasal data structures will eventually break every CPU. And since
    it's done in the context of normal Nasal calls, and not in a
    separate background thread, it directly affects the duration of
    our main update loop - hence frame rate. Not so nice.
    Hmm. Other script languages rely on reference counting for garbage
    collection, which means much more stable performance. Python does
    that for example. But, well... GSoC anyone? ;-)

Python support would be a great feature I think.
Well, yes. But changing current scripts would be a huge, huge project. And it'd would require much more maintenance than our tiny Nasal engine. It's a better option to improve the existing garbage collector (i.e. use reference counting, improve its speed, or make it happen less often). But that would also be a very complex change in a very sensitive area of our sources.

What I am thinking about is a possibility to convert Nasal scripts to C or C++ and compile them as shared objects (.so .dll). Then we could load them dynamically at fgfs runtime. So in the end we get raw C/C++ performance to our modules.
Is this possible or am I dreaming of something impossible here?
Mainly dreaming. Such things may look simple at first. Easy to convert a simple "hello world". But it's very complex when supporting all the features of an interpreted script language. And the funny thing is: you'd still need to worry about automatic garbage collection and count references (though that'd be a lesser issue compared to many others then). So, time wake up...

For the time being, we'll have to live with this. We should just be aware, that introducing too complex data structures and too heavy/complex computations in Nasal isn't a good idea. Even when their average execution time looks ok, they will eventually trigger noticeable frame rate jitters. The larger the data structures get, the longer the jitter. The more heavy the computation gets, the more often the garbage collector has to run, the more often the jitter happens...

So, it's still good to implement heavy stuff and common instruments in our FG core (C++), and use Nasal mainly for aircraft-specific animations etc. Though that may not be the direction our project is heading to right now...


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