Hi Martin,
I re-read the messages on starting and I see...

loadxml: reading '' denied (unauthorized access)

Seems odd. I ran chmod to ensure no read permissions are unset, and chown and 
chgrp to ensure all files are set to my user 'chris' and group 'users'. Still 
get the same message. Is this perhaps a problem with the compile I've done?

My custom stuff consists of 2 folders of models (Models/AUSworking, 
Models/NZworking), and a 1x1 tile rebuild of e150s30. All the custom 
Models/AUSworking, Models/NZworking, Scenery/Objects and Scenery/Terrain stuff 
is not part of the fgdata pull.

What I do when I update fgdata is I keep a backup copy of the fresh pull, along 
with a backup copy of the old fgdata complete with my custom stuff. When I say 
I 'merge' the folders I take a copy of the fresh pull, copy that to a location 
to use as my 'live' folder, then manually copy to the live location from my old 
fgdata all of my custom stuff. Nothing old overwrites anything new, it just 
gets added together - none of the old non-custom data overwrites any of the 
freshly pulled data. That method has worked fine for me in the past, and there 
is no reason why it should not work now.

Terrain loads, even my modified e150s30 terrain - just no objects defined in 
Scenery/Objects appear for any folder other than w130n30. The only difference I 
can see there is that all the custom models for KSFO are stored in the 
Scenery/Objects/w130n30/xxx folders and not somewhere under Models/. Paths are 
set correctly in the *.stg files under Scenery/Objects/...

If I use the old fgdata as a live folder the objects load (fg complains about 
missing skydome shader etc). All I am doing is copying the old custom stuff 
into the new base package.

The loadxml thing seems an obvious candidate to start looking at what is 

Best regards,

Chris Wilkinson, YBBN/BNE.

From: Martin Spott <martin.sp...@mgras.net>
To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Sunday, 3 July 2011 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Objects not loading after recent upgrade

Hi Chris,

Chris Wilkinson wrote:

> I pulled the lastest fg and sg git code a few days ago, built it,
> installed it, pulled a fresh copy of the fgdata repo, and merged that
> over top of the existing folder I had so I could keep my custom
> scenery.

Copying Scenery directories over each other is a perfect candidate for
creating an inconsistent and irreproducable state  ;-)
Therefore I doubt there'll be a reasonable chance guiding you to a
solution unless you're installing known Scenery. Publishing your
current state of Scenery directories might be a key to finding a

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