On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 1:52 AM, Chris Wilkinson
<blobster...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I re-read the messages on starting and I see...
> loadxml: reading '' denied (unauthorized access)
> Seems odd. I ran chmod to ensure no read permissions are unset, and chown
> and chgrp to ensure all files are set to my user 'chris' and group 'users'.
> Still get the same message. Is this perhaps a problem with the compile I've
> done?

That error is coming from nasal, based on the IORules settings. It
isn't a file system permission problem and probably has nothing to do
with your compilation.
The empty file name is highly suspicious, somebody is invoking loadxml
wrong. Try to find out who :)


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