> We currently have
> - 777-200

I have been trying the CRJ700 lately, and I think this might be an option
for an airliner as well - the cockpit has a nice visual quality, it comes
with engine start procedure, the AP seems to be well-tuned and free of
oscillatory behaviour and the night lights in the cockpit are simply a

The AP has some trouble following a VOR radial or intercepting a
glideslope, but then I don't really know any airliner (with the exception
of the Concorde) which doesn't have any oddity in the AP.

Just a thought...

> - b1900d
> - CitationX

In my opinion, these are fairly similar planes, and if we could have
something different and just use one of them, I'd prefer that. I'd go with
Vivian about a glider - the ASK-13 comes to my mind, while the FDM isn't
perfect at low speeds or in high bank turns, it gives a fair impression of
how the original is like, and otherwise (visuals, sounds,
instrumentation,...) it is rather well done.

Or the MiG-15bis would be something - in my opinion, that's a really
well-done job (and it even comes with documentation...).

* Thorsten

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