Hi Torsten et al.,

As mentioned by others, I do believe that this is quite a nice selection. But, 
I think that we should consider our original intentions for rotating the 
aircraft selection. By changing the selection, we have a nice platform to 
showcase some of the recent development and highlight some recent development 
work that clearly stands out from the rest. Also, IIRC, we should try to find 
aircraft that provide a good, intuitive initial experience. As such, the 
selection should consist of overall high-quality aircraft, that are realistic, 
yet at the same time should be relatively easy to use (i.e., no requirement for 
reading lenghty manuals on engine startup, but having an auto-start feature, 
etc etc).

With the above in mind, let me quickly comment on the current selection, and 
see if I can come up with some suggestions.

On 03 Jul 2011, at 17:08, Torsten Dreyer wrote:

> Let's start our traditional discussion about what aircraft should be in the 
> base package of the next release (2.4.0).
> We currently have
> - 777-200

As far as I can tell, the 777 is still the best in it's class. Compared to a 
couple of years ago, the Airliners category has changed considerably, however, 
and this year I would say that for the first time the 777 actually has serious 
competition (The ATR, CRJ, Airbus A320 family, and the entire Boeing 7?7 series 
to name but a few). After the most recent update, I believe that the 777 is 
still the best in it's class thought. 

> - A6M2

Possibly one candidate we could replace. I like the the A6M2, but I don't 
recall that it has seen much development recently. In terms of graphics, the 
IAR-80 (as mentioned by others) is just insane (and I mean this in a very 
positive affectionate way). I would consider replacing the A6M2 with the 
IAR-80, although I still need to check whether it would qualify as a beginners 
level aircraft. 

> - b1900d

Still one of our better crafted aircraft. I currently don't have a suggestion 
for a replacement.

> - bo105

This is an interesting case. As our original helicopter, it's famed for it's 
accurate FDM. But, considering how long the bo105 has been part of the standard 
fleet, and given that I've not seen much development for quite some time 
(correct me if I'm wrong), I wonder whether it wouldn't be time to replace it 
by another helicopter. The ec130, and ec135 have excellent graphical qualities. 
Swapping the bo105 with one of the eurocopters might result in trading in some 
accuracy for improved graphics, but my understanding it that the eurocopter 
FDM's are still very good and close to the originals. 

> - c172p

No chance of replacing this unless somebody volunteers to rewrite the manual. 

> - CitationX

A nice aircraft, and actually it's been one of my favorites for some time. But, 
compared to some other more recently developed aircraft, I'm beginning to find 
it a little unremarkable these days. I also find that it's class (small 
commuter jet) has considerable overlap with some other aircraft (airliner, twin 
prop). Maybe we can replace this with a historic aircraft. The Lockheed 1049H 
constellation by Gary Neely comes to mind, but I have to check whether I could 
find another candidate).

> - Dragonfly

A nice ultralight, but also one that hasn't undergone substantial changes in 
the last few years. Would the dromador be an interesting replacement candidate?

> - dhc2

Nice rugged bushplance. Float and wheels version. Very complete and aerotowing 
compatible. Not sure whether there would be a replacement candidate that 
satisfies all these criteria. But, I'll have a look later. 

> - f-14b

The MiG-15 comes to mind in terms of completeness, but I'm not sure whether it 
is carrier compatible. As far as I know, the f-14b is still our top jet fighter.

> - Cub

Very nice and recently very accurately remodelled aircraft. I would certainly 
vote to keep this. 

> - SenecaII

One of the very few aircraft that has nearly every switch modelled and working 
like the reallife counterpart. I wonder who made modelled it so carefully. On 
the downside, the visual model hasn't been touched appreciately in the last few 
years. With regard to the latter, the Aerostar could be a candidate.

> - sopwithCamel

Still one of the best historic aircraft. Very detailed modeling. I can't say 
much about systems and FDM thought. 

> - ufo

We need this as a gadget and as a modeling tool

> - ZLT-NT

Probably still the best in it's class. There's also a historic (1930's0 
zeppelin (the Nordstern), which I personally like very much, but I don't think 
that model is as advanced of the of the ZLT-NT. 
> Should we change this setup? 

In addition to the list mentioned by Torsten, I do believe that we have a 
glider. IIRC, we included the Bocian in previous releases. I replacing the 
bocian as suggested in an earlier mail would be okay by me. 


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