> In any case, the 3
> frame rate killers here are 3d Clouds, Trees, and AITraffic. Compared to
> these, the effect on frame rate by shaders is trivial.

Not for me. For me, the landmass effect at quality > 3.5 (or 4? - I can't
check without computer) is the killer - with nothing else enabled, it
brings be down from 60 to 12 fps.

3dclouds can be adjusted as needed with the distance slider - having a
similar slider for trees rather than having to hack materials.xml would be
rather nice.

Landmass being so expensive, I can

1) have landmass off completely to run other shaders at high quality
setting (which is what I'm doing, so I always have to shift the snow line
as high as possible to not get artefects because some terrain doesn't show
snow now)

2) run all shaders at low quality, even those which run fine for me at
high quality settings

So I am very much in favour of a more detailed dialog which allows me to
select quality levels of shaders individually (with the convention that
quality zero is off).

* Thorsten

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