Hi Curt

Well actually there are quite some RL aircraft having a so-called rudder-aileron interconnect. Of course in these aircraft it acts both ways: A spring (so not hard linked 1:1) pulls the rudder at aileron deflection and vice versa. The reason is however a very different one namely a lack of "tendency to raise the lower wing" which is a FAR requirement. This "tendency" is directly related to having a low enough Cl_beta (moment around the aircraft x-axis due to sideslip). More Dihedral or more sweep angle on the wing will improve the characteristic. But these things also have a decremental effect on performance, so sometimes it is better to have a bit more complex control system.

The point being that in these aircraft the autopilot will have to deal with this spring also. But as it is a spring and no hard linkage, having strong enough autopilot servos will do the trick.

For simulation purposes I would agree that the auto-coordination should be switched of with AP engaged. There are some complications though. What if only a HDG or NAV mode (roll servo only) is engaged? Or there is no servo on the rudder at all (which is quite common)? And from the other side what if only the yaw damper or yaw trim is active (common on multi engine aircraft)? In those cases auto coordination should remain active!

So auto coordination should be switched off only when both a roll mode and yaw mode are engaged. Also it might be a good idea (for realism) to have the auto-coordination work both ways just as in RL.



On 03/09/2012 09:05 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:
The counter argument here is that the existing "auto coordination" system is nothing more than one line of code that forces some rudder deflection in proportion to aileron deflection -- basically implementing some sort of hard linked manual system. I am sure there are very few (if any?) real life aircraft rigged in such a way.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Renk Thorsten wrote:

    > Ok I haven't entirely given up on the idea of removing the
    > auto-coordination from the code.


    > Wouldn't it be more appropriate to add
    > that rudder control to controls.nas?

    Nasal runs per graphical frame, FDMs may need to run faster at low
    framerates. Nasal AP systems tend to become unstable below 15 fps
    or so (see the F-14b).

    > Then it can be replaced if need be on a per aircraft basis , but not
    > break anything otherwise.

    You can replace it now on a per aircraft basis at the simple
    expense of setting a single property to false. If the aircraft is
    equipped with a better system, then that system can do so. Why is
    that a problem?

    > And maybe it could be slip/skid-ball driven ... my whole
    > point is NOT to disable it but make it configurable.

    Yes, them make it configurable on any aircraft you like. But it
    should not be absent from any aircraft you haven't touched.


    * Thorsten
    Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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Curtis Olson:
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Virtualization&  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
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