On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 02:14:08 +0100, Arnt wrote in message 

> On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:11:36 +0100, Erik wrote in message 
> <5108f1d8.3090...@ehofman.com>:
> > On 01/30/2013 08:10 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > >> It does run on my Win 7 laptop with nvidia graphics hardware (and
> > >> nvidia graphics drivers installed.)  I will get it uploading ...
> > >> 740Mb!  So much for the CD distribution. :-)  Didn't Bill Gates
> > >> famously say 640Mb should be enough for anyone?
> > >
> > > Um... which reminds me - I had on my old computer a bunch of
> > > obsolete cloud models and textures flagged  and done long-term
> > > testing that they really aren't used - that's probably 20-30 MB
> > > worth of files that can go. In all the confusion migrating to a
> > > new machine I forgot about that - do you want me to look for that
> > > list? Doesn't really get us to CD size, but still...
> > 
> > Are the Winter textures still needed?
> ..only we want to support realistic winter flying.  Once I 
> have a flyable FG-git going, I'll advice on the realism.

..ok, it flies ;o): "bash run_fgfs.sh --geometry=1920x1200 \
 --fg-scenery=/home/arnt/FG-git/FGScenery-2.8 --httpd=8765 \
 --disable-terrasync --enable-fullscreen --control=keyboard \
 --prop:/controls/gear/brake-parking=1 --timeofday=noon &"
except I couldn't find where in the prop tree to turn off the 
"ATI hack".

..the noon lighting is waaay off, think sunrise and sunset, only 
in the South (or North for penguins), and we don't have smog 
except around Nikel, Russia, on a typical CAVOK day at ENAN, 
the clean air will have you smog breathers from the smoky South,
guesstimate the distance to Senja (the island due East) at 1km, 
1.5km, 2km etc, it's 30km, make it look like "1.5km" and keep 
an 150km visibility, and it should be realistic.  I can imagine 
Southern high latitudes will need a similar treatment.

..the trees needs snow, or frost sheen, and conifers company, 
pine and spruce is farmed in wood "fields", not spread all 
over the country like birch.  
It takes wind or rain to get the white stuff off trees, conifers
will carry snow on branches far into the spring, think Easter 
time.  Trees get smaller towards the coast. 

..snow cover is continous up here, "until around Easter." 

..the mountains ... are we getting a new scenery for 2.10?
I tested with the 2.8 scenery.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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