Hi Curt, 

Thanks for the reply.

> I believe Fred intentionally chose to use 
> the same registry key from one version to the next.

Ok, that's understandable... my last install was, but I wanted them separated... not over-written...

But then not sure why not choose just C:\<PF>\FlightGear 
which is where an earlier version was put...

But maybe you are right, if I uninstall the current 
FOUR(4) versions I have installed, it may choose just

So please forget that I used the word 'forgot' ;=))

> There is a "make" target in the flightgear top level ...

And assume the 'make' target is $ make package, or 
$ make package_source which seem to be the only 
possible targets shown for $ make help
But running the first with -n seemed only to do the 
binaries, no data, and the second seemed to only be 
regarding fg source, again not fgdata...

So maybe I do not quite understand ;=((


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