Hi Stuart and all,

Short reference for 2.10.0 seems OK.

But a user in Japanese forum noticed that the Manual of chapter 5.2 
"Keyboard controls" seems to have wrong table captions:

Following are my check results and suggestions to correct tables in 
chapter 5.2.
Please check and commit to the git repository.


5.2 Keyboard controls
5.2.1 Aircraft controls

Table 1: Primary aircraft controls
--> OK

Table 2: Engine control keys
--> OK

Table 3: Secondary aircraft controls
--> OK

Table 4: Autopilot controls
--> Should be deleted, because this dupulicates in 5.2.3.

5.2.2 Simulator controls

Table 5: View directions
--> Caption should be "Table 4: View directions"

Table 6: Display options
--> Caption should be "Table 5: Display options"

Table 7: General simulator controls.
--> Tex source should be "\input{tab6}"
--> Caption should be "Table 6: General simulator controls"

5.2.3 Autopilot controls

Tab. 6: Autopilot controls.
--> Caption should be "Tab. 7: Autopilot controls"

Tab. 7: Additional Autopilot controls.
--> Should be tempolary deleted.

Initially, tab6.tex was a table of "key actions for autopilot enabled" 
such as:
  8 / 2 Altitude adjust
  4 / 6 Heading adjust
  9 / 3 Autothrottle adjust

Since Dec. 2010, tab6.tex has been a table of simulator controls such as:
  p Pause simulator
  a / A Simulation speed up/slow down
  t / T Clock speed up/slow down
  Ctrl-R Instant replay
  F3 Save screen shot
  ESC Exit program
which were initially a part of tab8.tex (Miscellaneous).

To include "Additional Autopilot controls" table in the Manual, we may 
need to restore autopilot related contents in old tab6.tex to another 
new tex file.


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