> Removing the rainbow effect spoils the highly polished aluminium effect on
> the b29 and the Lightning F1. 

As I said, I don't plan to remove it for good. Quoting myself:

" in any case a 2d texture lookup  call  seems an overkill for a simple 1d 
color table, so I plan to replace that by a function eventually"

I might add 'this will make it quite a bit faster, as it is a very simple 
function' - so I believe this should be done anyway everywhere the rainbow is 
used. I am working hard, but don't expect everything to be 100% on the first 
commit of a new feature.

> It is also incompatible with AO effects. Will
> this all work with non-nVidia cards/drivers?

I believe I've seen screenshots of terrain overlay textures working just fine 
on ATI cards. Likewise, functions rather than texture lookups work just fine - 
what counts in the end is a number, the shader doesn't really care if this is 
calculated or read from texture. The four websites I have studied regarding 
conditional texture lookups agree that textures can be looked up conditionally 
on a uniform, not on a varying. 

Do you see actual reasons for concern, or is this just stabbing in the dark? 

Not sure why a grain overlay would be incompatible with AO - care to elaborate? 
My understanding is that we don't have any AO outside of Rembrandt, and a grain 
would not be intended to carry pre-computed shadows, that's what the base 
texture is for.

> The grain effect you proposed did not gain much if any support from
> developers. Do we need to go down this road?

No, we don't have to. 

Like many things, overlay textures and the grain effect are just something I 
believe have incredible potential. The grain effect on terrain is awesome - 
without going dds or using huge textures, you can create 15 cm sized terrain 
resolution everywhere. So, let's give it a few months of testing, see if folks 
can not use it to good effect - the 5 lines are easily removed from the shader 
if the potential doesn't materialize.

> We are breaking more and  more
> for minimal gains. 

I beg to disagree on two counts.

First of all, this is a net acceleration.  I think currently the ubershader 
isn't structured well since it unconditionally looks up lots of textures, most 
of which aren't needed if you use, say, reflection or normal map only - 
restructuring the shader to not read unused textures and to evaluate as 
function what can be evaluated as simple function will speed things up. 

Second, having a technique to achieve 25 times the resolution for 2 times the 
texture memory isn't a minimal gain. It's visually way more powerful than the 

So we're actually getting more bang for the buck.

> Did we ever restore the wake effect on the Carrier  
> with Atmospheric Light Scattering?

Well, we never had it running in the first place, so there can be no talk about 
restoring it. Someone just has to write it. Presumably that someone will 
eventually be me, but I have to ask your forgiveness of I priorize things which 
interest me personally.

I mean, it's not like there's something taken away from you... There's two 
rendering frameworks left in which everything works as you're used to, surely 
we can afford to have one of three going ahead and trying for a few 
experimental new features rather than re-doing every effect in the others? 


* Thorsten
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