On 04/10/13 14:56, Ian MacArthur wrote:
> On 10 Apr 2013, at 17:25, Howard Rubin wrote:
>> I don't agree. Most login screens warn immediately if capslock is on 
>> because their password fields don't echo input.
> Though it does appear that, at least if there is any prospect that your users 
> will be running Linux in a VBox VM, that we may have to embrace the 
> possibility that the very best we can do is detect the Caps Lock state when 
> the user starts typing - reliably detecting Caps Lock otherwise seems... 
> fraught...

        Right, that's probably the best case for the OP is to detect
        if the capslock state is enabled /while/ the person is typing
        their password. ie. pseudocode:

        case FL_KEYDOWN: {
            static int warn = 0;
            if ( event_state & capslock )
                { if ( !warn ) { warn = 1; 
show_capslock_warning_in_status_bar(); } }
                { if ( warn ) { warn = 0; clear_status_bar(); } }

        If I understand correctly, the capslock state info is correct during
        regular keypresses, just not when the capslock key is hit.

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