Well, the costs are the costs. Once upon a time, we had these things called public libraries, which were really cool for people who couldn't, you know, buy 20-30 books or records a week. But we kind of forgot about these places. I mean, even our university libraries aren't what they used to be anymore.

In any case, for works of this size (and historical value), it seems obvious that we need more resources like ubuweb. I don't mean free access, necessarily, but just the availability of material. I mean, you download the "Dial-a-Poem" pieces if you really want to hear them, and, well, if you're really into them, you can go out and try and find an original LP edition, or a CD box set, or whatever.



On 29/04/2006, at 1:23, Kraig Louis Lamper wrote:

i'm not gonna lie... i've almost purchased the Merzbox about 7 times and each time i manage to resist the temptation somehow. lately i've been wanting to buy An Anthology from LaMonte Young and the MELA foundation except it costs so damn much for a poor college student to purchase.

Quoting Rod Stasick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

So, I think of a single Terrabyte for my work.
The idea of making it one long work that uses
40 years of pieces dropped inside at various points.
One of the things that I've learned and've appreciated
during my studies with Stockhausen over these past few years
is this idea of one large work (his "Licht - 29 hours long)
as a ground by which various smaller solo or group ensemble
pieces can be extracted for performance.
In my case, it's somewhat the reverse where individual pieces are
interlaced into a whole that constantly/consistently grows.
Need a solo 29 minute work?
OK, let me play the part of the Metzgermeister
and just slice some off for you.

Would you like that wrapped?


Now playing: Paul Wilson - The Fall Cover Artwork: Are You Are Missing Winner

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