OKAY!!  I give up!!  

I clearly misunderstood that basteln had a 'tinkerer'
connotation, rather than a 'competent craftsman' one.

One of you (quite rightly) tells me that 'culture'
doesn't do things, but 'people' do.  I agree, though
that doesn't deny the influence of culture on the
people who embrace it.

My thoughts really go back many hundreds of years, to
the mediaeval guilds, which originated in Northern
Europe.  Guild membership was the key to practicing
most trades.  There's a little bit of that still
around in the UK, where professional organisations
(e.g. medical and legal) use their influence to
restrict the number of people entering their
professions, thereby keeping themselves scarce so they
can charge their customers what they like.  It has its
good side, too, in that employing a guild member gives
some kind of guarantee.

I had assumed that Germany, as the cradle of the guild
organisations, must have an even stronger tradition of
this kind - especially in view of the reaction of my

Of course, he was only one example, and so my logic is
flawed - "The Aristotelian fallacy" I think it's

Good basteling to all!

Bill (who's a right "Basteller", as far as folding
boats are concerned - certainly no competition to
Pouch Boats!)

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