After I heard about the Wolfram Alpha integration, I decided to give it a shot. 
I didn't like the price tag. 

At the time I was interested in chemical simulations, and I didn't know of 
anything else that'd let me do them out of the box (without requiring me to 
already have a much greater command of chemistry than I do presently.)

I was on an A-Life kick. Was wondering if I might be able to find some kind 
simplified "artificial chemistry" that'd let me get an evolutionary process 
going at a (pseudo-) chemical level without leaving me starved for computing 

I really dug the way Alpha would in some cases be able to supply me with 
m-expression representations of things. 

Kind of wish they'd just used Lisp for Mathematica, and gridding it up isn't 
cheap, so I ended up doing some weird art with it before abandoning it in favor 
of Squeak, which I can parallelize at the process level without trouble, and of 
course the green threads work well enough for some things too. 

I did really like the touch of HyperCard that was going on with it though. All 
in all, I haven't used it enough to justify the expense, and it takes too much 
space on the disk:( 

On Jul 28, 2011, at 12:14 PM, David Leibs <> wrote:

> Ah, powerful notations and the Principia.  These are some of my favorite 
> things. :-)
> An excellent example of a difficult subject made easier by a wonderful tool 
> is Mathematica. I think the Wolfram folks have done a really great job over 
> the last 25 years with Mathematica.  You can directly use math notation but 
> it is converted into the much more powerful internal representation of 
> Mathematica terms.  Just think of Mathematica terms as s-expressions and you 
> are close.  Mathematica's math notation system is built on a general system 
> that supports notations so that you could build a notation system that is 
> what chemists would want.
> The Mathematica Notebook is a wonderful system for exploration.  Notebooks 
> let you build beautiful publishable documents that typically also contain 
> live code for simulations and modeling.  Of course a Mathematica notebook is 
> just a bunch of Mathematica terms.  I wish web browsers were as good as 
> Mathematica notebooks.   They are like Smalltalk workspaces on steroids.  I 
> wish there was an  open source Mathematica notebook like 
> "read-canonicalize-evaluate-present" shell. 
> At the bottom of Mathematica is the Mathematica language which is a very 
> "Lispy" functional language with a gigantic library of primitives. There is 
> no Type Religion in Mathematica's functional programming.  The documentation 
> is extensive and made from Mathematica notebooks so that all examples are 
> both beautiful and executable.  The learning curve is very very high because 
> there is so much there but you can start simply just by evaluating 3+4 and 
> grow.  It's very open ended.
> The Mathematica language is also great for meta programming.  Last year my 
> son was working for the University of Colorado physics department building a 
> model of the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium.  His 
> code made big use of meta programming to dramatically boost the performance.  
> He would partially evaluate his "code/ math" in the context of interesting 
> boundary conditions  then use Simplify to reduce the code then run it through 
> the low level Mathematica compiler.  He was able to get a 100x performance 
> boost this way.  Mathematica was his first programming language and he has 
> used it regularly for about 14 years .
> To give you a taste let's implement the most beautiful Newton's forward 
> difference algorithm  from the Principia.
> see:
> for the background.
> The code below (hopefully not too mangled by blind email systems) repeatedly 
> takes differences
>  until a zero is found resulting in a list of list of all differences.  The 
> first elements are then harvested and the last zero dropped.
>  Now just make some parallel lists for that will get passed to the difference 
> term algorithm.  I could have written a loop
> but APL and Mathematica has taught me that Transpose and Apply, and a level 
> spec can write my loops for me without error.
> Once you have all the terms in a list just join them with Plus.  Finally run 
> the whole thing through Simplify.
> The differenceTerm and fallingFactorial helper functions should look familiar 
> to those who have played with modern functional programming.  Note I pass in 
> a symbol and the Mathematica rule reducing system naturally does partial 
> evaluation.  I realize I have left a lot of Mathematica details unexplained 
> but I am just trying to give a taste.
> Using the data from the mathworld web page you we can evaluate away
> praiseNewton[{1, 19, 143, 607, 1789, 4211, 8539}, n]
>    1+7 n+2 n^2+3 n^3+6 n^4
> Without the Simplify we would have gotten:
> 1+18 n+53 (-1+n) n+39 (-2+n) (-1+n) n+6 (-3+n) (-2+n) (-1+n) n
> I would never be able to do the Algebra right. :-)
> if I want to define a function I can let my polynomial defining function do 
> my work.
>       fn[n_] = praiseNewton[{1, 19, 143, 607, 1789, 4211, 8539}, n]
> --------
> SetAttributes[praiseNewton, HoldRest];
> praiseNewton[list_, sym_] := Module[{coefs, indexes, syms},
>   coefs = 
>    Drop[Map[First, NestWhileList[Differences, list, First[#] > 0 &]], -1];
>   indexes = Range[0 , Length[coefs] - 1];
>   syms = ConstantArray[sym, Length[indexes]];
>   Simplify[
>    Apply[Plus, Apply[differenceTerm, Transpose[{coefs, indexes, syms}], 1]]]];
> differenceTerm[coef_, count_, sym_] := 1/count! * coef  * 
> fallingFactorial[count, 0, sym];
> fallingFactorial[0, indx_, sym_] := 1;
> fallingFactorial[1, indx_, sym_] := (sym - indx);
> fallingFactorial[count_, indx_, sym_] := (sym - indx) * 
> fallingFactorial[count - 1, indx + 1, sym];
> --------
> What is much more interesting than the above code is the sequence of 
> evaluations that lead to it.
> It started with:
> FixedPointList[Differences, {1, 19, 143, 607, 1789, 4211, 8539}]
> {{1, 19, 143, 607, 1789, 4211, 8539}, {18, 124, 464, 1182, 2422, 4328}, {106, 
>   340, 718, 1240, 1906}, {234, 378, 522, 666}, {144, 144, 144}, {0, 0}, {0}, 
> {}, {}}
> and just grew and grew by exploration, one experiment at a time.. :-)
> I am sorry to have been so uncharacteristically wordy.  
> -David Leibs
> On Jul 28, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Alan Kay wrote:
>> Well, we don't absolutely *need* music notation, but it really helps many 
>> things. We don't *need* the various notations of mathematics (check out 
>> Newton's use of English for complex mathematical relationships in the 
>> Principia), but it really helps things.
>> I do think the hard problem is "design" and all that goes along with it (and 
>> this is true in music and math too). But that is not the end of it, nor is 
>> ignoring the design of visual representations that help grokking and 
>> thinking a good idea.
>> I think you are confusing/convolving the fact of being able to do something 
>> with the ease of it. This confusion is rampant in computer science ....
>> Cheers,
>> Alan
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