For anyone else who was captivated by: "Denis came up with a nice
little language that had a bit of an APL feeling for humans to program
this system in" - here is a link to the 184 page paper describing

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Alan Kay <> wrote:
> Hi Jecel
> I think both these sections were reactions to some of the current hardware,
> and hardware problems of the time.
> I remember the second one better than the first. In those days cutting dies
> out of the wafters often damaged them, and the general yield was not great
> even before cutting the die out. This idea was to lay down regions of memory
> on the wafer, run bus metalization over them, test them, and zap a few bits
> if they didn't work. The key here was that the working ones would each have
> a register that had its "name" (actually its base address and range) and all
> could look at the bus to see if their address came up. If it did, it would
> seize the bus and do what ever. So this was a kind of distributed small
> pages and MMUs scheme. And the yield would be much higher because the wafers
> remained intact. I don't think any of these tradeoffs obtain today, though
> one could imagine other kinds of schemes for distributed memory and memory
> management that would be more sensible than current schemes.
> The first one I really don't remember. But it probably was partially the
> result of the head per track small disk that the FLEX machine used -- and
> probably was influenced by Paul Rovner's scheme at Lincoln Labs for doing
> Jerry Feldman's software "associative triples memory".
> I think this was not about Denis Seror's later and really interesting thesis
> (under Barton) to make a "lambda calculus machine" -- really a "combinator
> machine" (to replace variables by paths) and to have the computation on the
> disk and just pull in and reduce as possible as the disk zoomed by. All was
> done in parallel and eventually all would be reduced. Denis came up with a
> nice little language that had a bit of an APL feeling for humans to program
> this system in. He (and his wife) wound up making an animated movie to show
> people who didn't know about lambda expressions and combinators (which was
> pretty much everyone in CS in those days) what they were and how they
> reduced.
> There's no question that Bob Taylor was the prime key for PARC (and he also
> had paid for most of our PhDs in the 60s when he was an ARPA funder).
> Cheers,
> Alan
> ________________________________
> From: Jecel Assumpcao Jr. <>
> To: Alan Kay <>
> Cc: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 3:17 PM
> Subject: a little more FLEXibility (was: [fonc] Re: Ceres and Oberon)
> Alan,
>> The Flex Machine was "the omelet you have to throw away to clean the pan",
>> so I haven't put any effort into saving that history.
> Fair enough! Having the table of contents but not the text made me think
> that perhaps the section B.6.b.ii The Disk as a Serial "Associative
> Memory" and B.6.c. An Associativeley Mapped LSI Memory might be
> interesting in light of Ian's latest paper. Or the first part might be
> more related to OOZE instead.
>> But there were "4 or 5" pretty good things and "4 or 5" really bad things
>> that
>> helped the Alto-Smalltalk effort a few years later.
> Was being able to input drawings one of the good things? There was one
> Lisp GUI that put a lot of effort into allowing you to input objects
> instead of just text. It did that by outputting text but keeping track
> of where it came from. So if you pointed to the text generated by
> listing the contents of a disk directory while there was some program
> waiting for input, that program would read the actual entry object.
> It is frustrating for me that while the Squeak VM could easily handle an
> expression like
> myView add: <yellowEllipseMorph> copy.
> I have no way of typing that. I can't use any object as a literal nor as
> input. In Etoys I can get close enough by gettingĀ  a tile representing
> the yellowEllpiseMorph from its halo and use that in expressions. In
> Self I could add a constant slot with some easy to type value, like 0,
> and then drag the arrow from that slot to point to the object I really
> wanted. It was a bit indirect but it worked and I used this a lot. The
> nice thing about having something like this is that you never need
> global variable again.
>> I'd say that the huge factors after having tried to do one of these were
>> two
>> geniuses: Chuck Thacker (who was an infinitely better hardware designer
>> and
>> builder than I was), and Dan Ingalls (who was infinitely better at most
>> phases
>> of software design and implementation than I was).
> True. You were lucky to have them, though perhaps we might say Bob
> Taylor had built that luck into PARC.
> -- Jecel
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