Below and mile off-topic...

On Jan 22, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Julian Leviston <> wrote:

> On 23/01/2012, at 8:26 AM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
>> Below. 
>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 6:26 PM, BGB <> wrote:
>>> like, for example, if a musician wanted to pursue various musical forms. 
>>> say, for example: a dubstep backbeat combined with rap-style lyrics sung 
>>> using a death-metal voice or similar, without "the man" (producers, ...) 
>>> demanding all the time that they get a new album together (or that their 
>>> fans and "the man" expect them to stay with their existing sound and 
>>> theme), and if they just gave them something which was like "and so 
>>> wub-wub-wub, goes the sub-sub-sub, as the lights go blim-blim-blim, as 
>>> shorty goes rub-run-run, on my hub-hub-hub, as my rims go spin-spin-spin" 
>>> or something... (all sung in deep growls and roars), at which point maybe 
>>> the producers would be very unhappy (say, if he was hired on to be part of 
>>> a tween-pop boy-band, and adolescent females may respond poorly to 
>>> bass-filled "wubbing growl-rap", or something...).
>>> or such...
>> This is probably the raddest metaphor that I have ever seen on a mailing 
>> list.
>> P.S. 
>> If you want to get this song out the door, I'm totally in. Dubsteprapmetal 
>> might be the next big thing. I can do everything except the drums. We should 
>> write an elegant language for expressing musical score in OMeta and use a 
>> simulated orchestra!
> Oh come on, Dub Step Rap Metal has been done before... Korn is basically what 
> that is...  Just because you're not CALLING it dubstep doesn't mean it 
> doesn't have the dubstep feel. 
> Interesting, also, that you chose dubstep here, because that's a genre that's 
> been basically "raped" in a similar way to what has been done to the ideas in 
> object-orientism in order to get it into the mainstream :) People think 
> dubstep is just a wobble bass... but it's actually more about the feel of the 
> dub break... <shrug>
> Julian
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Generally good points but I'm pretty sure the Korn I've heard wasn't dubstep. 
It's also crap. T.M. :D
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