5 8 2010




>         -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 23:16:25 +0800 (SGT)
> Von: Wal Suparmo <wal.supa...@yahoo.com>
> An: Forum-Pembaca-Kompas@yahoogroups.com
> CC: manneke budiman <hepaest...@yahoo.ca>
> Betreff: Bls: [Forum-Pembaca-KOMPAS] Re: Landmarks Commission di US 
> mengizinkan pembangunan mesjid di groud zero
> Salam,
>   Sejak USA berdiri  didiamkannya ( diizinkannya) timbuknya nabi2 
> amatiran yang memlintir dan mengexport agama Kristen dan  timbulnya 
> berbagai CULT dari macam2 agama.
>  Wasalam,
>  Wal Suparmo
>  --- Pada Rab, 4/8/10, manneke budiman <hepaest...@yahoo.ca> menulis:
>  Dari: manneke budiman <hepaest...@yahoo.ca>
>  Judul: [Forum-Pembaca-KOMPAS] Re: Landmarks Commission di US mengizinkan 
> pembangunan mesjid di groud zero
>  Kepada: Forum-Pembaca-Kompas@yahoogroups.com
>  Tanggal: Rabu, 4 Agustus, 2010, 3:16 AM
>  Seandainya saja penguasa Indonesia bisa bersikap dewasa dan tegas 
> seperti ini dalam mengayomi dan melindungi kaum minoritas beragama.
>  Tanpa memedulikan protes dari kaum konservatif, Landmarks Commission 
> kota NY beserta walikotanya membela rencana pembangunan mesjid di bekas 
> reruntuhan WTC di NY. Baca argumentasi dan rasional mereka, sungguh 
> mengharukan.
>  Beda 180 derajat dengan sikap para penguasa di negeri ini, dari 
> presidennya sampai bupati dan walikotanya :(
>  manneke
>  Panel's landmark denial frees NY mosque site 
>  34 minutes ago 
>  By Karen Matthews, The Associated Press
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>  NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ignoring jeers and cries of "Shame on you," a city 
> commission on Tuesday denied landmark status to a building near the World 
> Trade Center site that can now be demolished to make way for an Islamic 
> community centre and mosque.
>  The Landmarks Preservation Commission said in voting 9-0 that the 
> 152-year-old building isn't distinctive enough to qualify as a landmark. 
>  "This is not a building of special esthetic character," said 
> Commissioner Diana Chapin, echoing the remarks of her colleagues.
>  The property is two blocks north of the site of the World Trade Center, 
> which was destroyed in Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Landmarks 
> Commissioner Stephen Byrns said the building's proximity to the site, and 
> the fact that it was struck by airplane debris during the attacks, does 
> not qualify it as a landmark.
>  The proposed mosque has emerged as a national political issue, with 
> prominent Republicans from Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to former House 
> Speaker Newt Gingrich lining up against it. The Anti-Defamation League, 
> the nation's most prominent Jewish civil rights group, also opposes it.
>  Former Rep. Rick Lazio, a Republican who is running for governor of New 
> York, attended the commission meeting and criticized the group that is 
> building the mosque, the Cordoba Initiative. 
>  "This is not about religion," Lazio said. "It's about this particular 
> mosque called the Cordoba Mosque, it's about it being at ground zero, 
> it's about it being spearheaded by an imam who has associated himself 
> with radical Islamic causes and has made comments that should chill every 
> single American, frankly."
>  Lazio said the group's imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, had refused to call the 
> Palestinian group Hamas a terrorist organization. Rauf also had said in a 
> "60 Minutes" interview televised shortly after 9/11 that "United States 
> policies were an accessory to the crime that happened."
>  Cordoba Initiative staff members did not immediately answer an email 
> seeking a response to Lazio's comments.
>  Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim 
> Advancement, was quoted in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday as saying 
> the centre's board will include members of other religions and will 
> explore including an interfaith chapel at the centre.
>  "We want to repair the breach and be at the front and centre to start 
> the healing," said Khan, a partner in the building and the wife of the 
> imam.
>  New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, speaking on Governor's Island 
> against the backdrop of the Statue of Liberty, praised the commission's 
> ruling.
>  "This building is private property and the owners have a right to use 
> the building as a house of worship," Bloomberg said. "The government has 
> no right whatsoever to deny that right, and if it were tried, the court 
> would almost certainly strike it down as a violation of the U.S. 
> constitution."
>  Bloomberg said the firefighters and other first responders who died in 
> the 2001 attacks had done so to protect the constitution. To deny 
> religious freedom to Muslims would play into the terrorists' hands, he 
> said. "In rushing into those burning buildings, not one asked, 'What god 
> do you pray to? What beliefs do you hold?'" Bloomberg said of the first 
> responders. "We do not honour their lives by denying the very 
> constitutional rights they died protecting."
>  The commission's decision not to designate the existing building as a 
> landmark means that the developers can tear it down and start from 
> scratch. If the building had been declared a landmark, they could have 
> created a smaller mosque and community centre there.
>  SoHo Properties, a partner in the project, purchased the property for 
> nearly $5 million. Early plans call for a 13-story, $100 million Islamic 
> centre, of which the mosque would be a part.
>  SoHo Properties CEO Sharif El-Gamal said he was "deeply grateful to the 
> landmarks commission and to its staff." He did not respond to a question 
> about the timing of demolition and construction.
>  Foes of the proposed mosque say it insults the memory of those who died 
> on Sept. 11, 2001, at the hands of Muslim extremists.
>  As the landmarks commission met, some in the audience waved signs. Linda 
> Rivera's sign read, "Don't glorify murders of 3,000. No 9/11 victory 
> mosque." She cried after the board's vote. "I lost 3,000 American 
> brothers and sisters, including courageous policemen and firemen, and 
> this is a betrayal," she said.
>  Others said they supported the mosque.
>  Zead Ramadan, president of the board of the New York chapter of the 
> Council on American Islamic Relations, said Islam is "a religion of peace 
> and justice."
>  "The people here are trying to connect this vile attack on our nation to 
> the religion Islam, though that exact act stands against everything that 
> Islam stands for," he said.
>  The conservative public-interest law firm the American Center for Law 
> and Justice, founded in 1990 by evangelist Pat Robertson, vowed to fight 
> Tuesday's decision in court.
>  ACLJ attorney Brett Joshpe said the group would file a petition in New 
> York State Supreme Court on Wednesday alleging that the landmarks panel 
> "acted arbitrarily and abused its discretion."
>  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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