1) I care nothing about backward compatibility.
2) I only care about the efficiency of tools that I use to help me do my job.

On Dec 15, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Jan Danielsson <jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/16/12 03:28, Joe Mistachkin wrote:
>   Still, I think I'm right. I don't think any of the issues you've
> brought up as potential serious issues so far are actual problems. But I
> know for sure that the current mv/rm behavior is not what many people
> (who have voiced their opinion) expect, and I'm fairly certain that the
> change would overall be for the better.

As a new fossil user… I agree that the rm/mv is annoying.  I want the scm to 
help me do my job and not get in the way.  The repo is a way to save the state 
of my project, not the working directory is a way to manage my repo.   The 
current mv/rm supports the later mentality and I have to always do two 
operations in order to achieve anything which is a waste of my time.

>   Yes, but - as has been written so many times now that it's not even
> funny any longer: rm/mv has a canonical behavior, and new users continue
> to be surprised by the current behavior.

This is so true.

>> 1. Write a wrapper script that performs the operations.
>> 2. Customize their local Fossil binaries to include the necessary code.

Have already done 1 and I'm working on 2.  But why would I want to have to 
maintain this broken behavior.   It's a completely bad design and there is not 
one point in this thread that states why having the current functionality makes 
since.  You have to look at it from the end-users perspective, "I want to 
remove this file".   If it's already in the repo, then I can recover.  If not, 
it should say the file isn't under repo control.  If it's modified, maybe it 
should warn/prompt the user.

>   Or, we can change the behavior of mv/rm, implement the "unmanage" and
> corresponding "move" command. Two or three users will sulk for a week,
> get over it and then continue living on as nothing has happened. And all
> the new users who expect the canonical behavior of mv and rm will no
> longer need to be surprised.

this still wouldn't help with the principle of least surprise.  mv/rm are UNIX 
commands that have meaning… overloading them is retarded.

>   We get the real rm/mv, the principle of least surprise for new users,
> a canonical behavior for mv/rm, and the old behavior (just under a new
> name). Everybody wins! (?)

I disagree… I want new names for the other things, not for something where I 
have to think "rm" in unix is this, but "rm" in fossil means this.

If you really didn't want to make changes on disk until commit then fine, I 
would agree on that, but then you have to maintain state in fossil (just like 
git does) until you do the commit.

I think we should write a patch… publish is and see how many people actually 
use the patched version instead of the real version… then we'd have an argument 
against the conservatives that just don't like change.


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