I don't really care which behavior is the default. I've dealt with
both long enough that neither is surprising, and my workflow doesn't
change enough to notice for this. I'm just tired of seeing the bogus
claim that one is somehow "surprising" and "natural" and one isn't.

The only thing I want to avoid is a builtin "fossil rm" that can do
different things in different repos that are supposedly running the
same version of fossil. Well, ok, I also really don't want the silly
git behavior of having to force the SCM to record a move in the repo
that's already happened on disk.

On Sun, 16 Dec 2012 11:06:57 -0500
daniel gregory <gig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   Yes, but - as has been written so many times now that it's not even
> > funny any longer: rm/mv has a canonical behavior, and new users continue
> > to be surprised by the current behavior.
> This is so true.

Only if you behave the way you want to:

> not for something where I have to think "rm" in unix is this, but
> "rm" in fossil means this.

It doesn't matter whether it touches the work space or not, "rm" in
fossil means something different than "rm" in unix. It *has* to. Unix
doesn't know anything about fossil repositories, so it's "rm" *can't*
deal with them. The only thing that would be surprising is if "fossil
rm" actually did what unix rm does, and removed a file from disk
without changing the repo in any way.

The only way you can be surprised by either behavior is if you do what
daniel suggests, and *don't* think about what you're doing. This kind
of surprise - cause by thoughtlessly extrapolating from a *different*
command set - is not what POLS is about. Otherwise, Unix would have a
DEL command because people coming from VMS/DOS/RSTS/etc were surprised
that it didn't. I don't see anything *in fossil* that would lead one
to expect "rm" or "mv" to have either behavior.

My gut reaction:

This is a silly argument, caused by people being overly attached to
those two-letter commands. Just nuke them both. "del" and "ren" both
work fine, and are only one character longer. A "--filesystem/-f" flag
would be nice if the commands don't change. If they change to touch
the filesystem - well, make sure they always queue changes to the repo
for the next commit, even if they fail to change the file system for
some reason. And a flag that says "repo only, ignore the file system"
would probably be appreciated by some.

Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>             http://www.mired.org/
Independent Software developer/SCM consultant, email for more information.

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