At Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:54:49 +0200,
Stephan Beal wrote:
> i apologize if i gave that impression. i was refering to "re-thinking" in 
> terms of "fixing," as
> opposed to removing. i would not, in fact, mind if symlink support was dumped 
> (i have always
> felt it falls outside of fossil's core, but i also know i'm in the minority 
> there), but it
> can't be removed while retaining compatibility, and people do indeed use it. 
> i have not added
> it to libfossil yet, but will indeed have to at some point, or risk 
> alienating any repos which
> use them.

No worries.  I just wanted to make sure that the developers were aware that
there are use cases for it, but perhaps it is not a popular feature, or is at
least misunderstood.

I use fossil for both software development and sysadmin tasks, and I while I
have to admit that I only want to follow symlinks for the latter, it is a huge
benefit in that case, and I strongly suspect that people who complain about it
just want "allow-symlinks" set to "on" in the default configuration, which I
wouldn't disagree with (and the way it is worded is counterintuitive).


> Disorganization is a constant on my end ;).


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