On Jul 10, 2014 9:24 PM, "Timothy Beyer" <bey...@fastmail.net> wrote:
> At Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:10:09 -0700,
> B Harder wrote:
> >
> > It's clear people are split on what The Right Thing To Do is re:
> >
> > I'm personally not sure; I don't use them in the course of development.
That said, I feel like
> > they should *not* be in indirrected-through as a matter of treatment.
It's understandable those
> > that _would_ like them to be followed say: "they're there, follow
them.", but what if a link
> > points to /etc? You want to publish your system config files?
> The funny thing is that the reason above is exactly why I want that
> Perhaps one man's junk is another man's treasure. :)
> I know that a lot of people are going to object and say that fossil is
not an
> appropriate tool for system configuration backups, but in my experience
it is
> ideal for that purpose.

I don't disagree.

> My issue as far as The Right Thing To Do (TM) goes is that I'm not
> either is more correct than the other.

It's certainly not cut and dried :)

> Although such a restriction wins in
> safety, it makes fossil significantly less general purpose, so it loses
big in
> extensibility (notably, for system administration tasks).
> That is why I think the default should be what you and others advocated,
but a
> non-default option should always be available so as to not artificially
> restrict domains of usage where fossil turns out to be very useful.

Q: what sorts of constraints keep you from rooting your repo at /etc,
instead of relying on symlinks? What sort of features do you feel symlinks
buy you, versus rooting the repo in (eg) /etc?

I do use fossil in similar ways regularly, and have used it directly in
/etc on occasion for specific tasks, for a limited time.

> Tim
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