At Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:10:09 -0700,
B Harder wrote:
> It's clear people are split on what The Right Thing To Do is re: symliks.
> I'm personally not sure; I don't use them in the course of development. That 
> said, I feel like
> they should *not* be in indirrected-through as a matter of treatment. It's 
> understandable those
> that _would_ like them to be followed say: "they're there, follow them.", but 
> what if a link
> points to /etc? You want to publish your system config files?

The funny thing is that the reason above is exactly why I want that feature.
Perhaps one man's junk is another man's treasure. :)

I know that a lot of people are going to object and say that fossil is not an
appropriate tool for system configuration backups, but in my experience it is
ideal for that purpose.

My issue as far as The Right Thing To Do (TM) goes is that I'm not convinced
either is more correct than the other.  Although such a restriction wins in
safety, it makes fossil significantly less general purpose, so it loses big in
extensibility (notably, for system administration tasks).

That is why I think the default should be what you and others advocated, but a
non-default option should always be available so as to not artificially
restrict domains of usage where fossil turns out to be very useful.

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