On Mar 4, 2015, at 10:24 AM, paul <pault.eg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If fossil mv also moves files on a filesystem, I'd be happy with that, so long
> as I can still use a file browser as I'm doing now.

All other VCSes I’ve used that do one-step mv [*] cope with this case 
transparently.  They see that the on-disk file is already moved, so they just 
take your command as a request to reflect the change in the repo, too.

> If I want to move a file on my hard drive, I think I should be able to do it
> however I like, whether it's managed by a version control system or not.

I recommend that you work through the Mercurial decision table for hg remove:


I think it addresses your concerns.

To summarize, it will only do an unconditional removal if given -f or if you 
are asking it to remove a file that’s already in the repo, with no local 

[*] Which is to say, every VCS I’ve never used except for CVS which doesn’t do 
mv at all.
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