Am 06.03.2015 um 15:46 schrieb j. van den hoff:
On Fri, 06 Mar 2015 15:11:31 +0100, Tontyna <> wrote:

I'd prefer that default `rm`/`mv` without options leave my file system
alone. A `--forcefilesytem` flag would be a convenient enhancement.

personally, I would _not_ like to see a mandatory `--forcefilesystem'
"option" in order to get the usually desired behaviour.

I totally agree, the --forcefilesystem was just a reminisence to the '-f' option proposed in previous mails. Too many options for any command are puzzling, always have to lookup what the command does depending on the applied flags.

otherwise, see the previous mail by jan nijtmans which proposes a very
sensible solution in my view: create a new alias `forget' for the
current `rm' (which then should become the sole command performing that
sort of operation (removing file from `fossil' tracking w/o touching
file system) in due time -- thr sooner the better ...) and start to use
the already existing `rename' instead of `mv'. this would ease the way
of making rm/mv act like they really should (in the view of most people
I really would say -- and that's an important criterion w.r.t. what a
"good" default behavior should be) namely like what is happening in `hg'
(I agree with warren young that the `hg' people seemingly have thought
long enough about this and found a good solution and implemented enough
options to cover all relevant use cases).

On Windows neither `mv` nor `rm` does suggest anything to me other than what `fossil help` tells; but since the majority here associates "touch the file system" with those words it seems to be a good idea to let the commands exactly do that.
I don't mind how the commands are named as long as they exist.
Much cleaner to have different commands for different tasks. Even better when the command is self-explanatory.

another point which has already been made in this thread, but might be
emphasized: of course `mv' and `rm' already touch the file system quite
regularly namely "on the other end": someone updating from your
repository (or your "remote" repo to which you (auto)sync)) after you
performed `mv' or `rm' will of course modify his checkout (as indeed, it
should). it makes (usually, but not always I admit) no sense that
locally one has to go again and again through the routine of mirroring
each and every `fossil rm' and `fossil mv' by a corresponding file
system action. I understand that some people _want_ this but there needs
would be satisfied if that is achieved by `rename/forget' in the future.

Good to mention that point -- almost forgot that one of the reasons to introduce a CVS instad of only syncing directories is the question of how to get rid of unused garbage (there is always at least one developer creating 'old/', '.keep' an the likes an never deleting anything just in case)

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