* Fossil SCM user's discussion <fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org> [20160622 
> As anyone who has recently posted to this mailing lists probably
> already knows, some miscreant has again set up a reply-spam bot.
> Whenever you post to this list, the bot sends porn-spam as a private
> reply.  Because the reply is private, there is nothing the mailing
> list can do to filter it out.
> In an effort to thwart this attack, I have converted fossil-users into
> an "anonymous" list.  That means that the email address of senders is
> always stripped.  Replies can go to the mailing list only.
> This is an experiment.  If it does not work out, we'll try to come up
> with an alternative remediation to the reply-spam problem.

Replying to
1. vote against (destroys community conversation)
2. get the spam (curious
3. suggest either subscription moderation and/or an identity-preserving
header mangling sending the bot to a honeypot

fossil-users mailing list

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