Thus said Fossil SCM user's discussion on Thu, 23 Jun 2016 13:38:24 -0700:

> Thinking slightly outside the box, I wonder if some sort of variant of
> a honey-pot could be made to work. Set up an "official" bot that posts
> daily. Have  it post  a joke of  the day, trivia,  help text  for each
> fossil command  in sequence, or  anything as  long as it  is different
> each post.  Post it from  a single-use  address, and use  each address
> exactly once, and  only for this post. A  name like Honey-[randomness]
> might work.

Yes, I think  this is the best  option actually, and one  that I've used
before. The trick would be to setup a server that does not filter email,
because if it filters out the spam  before it can be reacted to, then we

Any email sent to the spam trap triggers an automatic unsubscription.

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