
On Tue, 2019-08-13 at 18:28 +0000, Olav Vitters wrote:
> It's
> even possible to make Discourse behave like an mailing list.
I found the discourse mailing list mode to be inferior to a mailing

For example, code posted on the Web looks much different than what gets
sent via email, cf. https://ibb.co/g3nHtB5. I don't think it's possible
to discuss code like that.
Another issue I have is that the "mailing list mode" effectively
subscribes you to every "mailing list" rather than the one you were
interested in.
I appreciate that the "guide to discourse with email" posted at 
mentions that the mailing list mode is "hardcore", but the alternatives are 
lacking.  That is, "watching" a topic doesn't send you an email if you have 
read (or written) something on the Web interface. At least that didn't work for 
I can now mute topics, but then I get surprised as soon as new mailing
lists are being created on the discourse platform.

Or have I just not found the right buttons to click?

Also, I wonder what the expected benefits of blocking replies to a
thread that hasn't received a message for 14 days are. Or is that just
default configuration that hasn't been changed?


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