Am 05.08.2020 um 22:44 schrieb J. Gareth Moreton:
I can't promise anything just yet, but I'll see what I can do.

At the moment I'm still learning to configure anything.  I've had apps crash 
from out of memory
errors and the CPU get throttled due to overheating while trying to play a 
YouTube video.  I've got
some things sorted by increasing the size of the swap file.  Frankly I want my 
laptop back so I can
get a proper e-mail client again, since I can't quite remember the server 
details off-hand and the
Webmail client causes problems with indenting in the fpc-devel mailing list, as 
you undoubtedly

Can't you check what you need from the webclient? After all at least your username and password should be the same no matter if you access through the web interface or IMAP...

When you say Windows 10 on ARM64, do you mean an actual build for ARM 
processors or an x86_64
version running inside a virtual machine?  Presumably I'll have to buy a copy 
of the OS for that, so
it will have to wait for a little bit if that's the case.  But hey, I'm all for 
Yes, a Windows build for ARM64 processors. I've recently done the port for FPC for that. :) Well, whether you have to buy a copy I can't answer with finality yet, but you can download the necessary files from Microsoft (no matter the architecture) and at least the "nag screen" that it isn't licensed hasn't appeared yet. So in the worst case you'll simply have to reinstall it every few months to keep using the evaluation version...

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