I just tried elastic tab stops with JEdit a bit but they are too restrictive 
for me:

1.) They do not allow me to start a new table without having an empty line 
    The following indentation seems to be impossible with elastic tabstops (at 
least I did not found out how to do this):
    aaaa bbbb cccc
    dddd eeee ffff
    gggg hhhh iiii
    11 22 33
    44 55 66
    77 88 99
    There is no way to specify when a block starts and ends other than empty 

    Even worse, when having a block like above and I then start a new line which
    has nothing to do with the above block this whole new line is taken as the 
first column
    shifting everything above to the right (which is not what I intended).
    Elastic tabstops are way "too smart".
    They disturb more often than they help.

2.) When spaces are used instead of tabs (like in Lazarus IDE) then
    my file has the same look on all editors with monospaced fonts.
    When I would have used (elastic) tabstops then this would look
    totally confusing in these editors.

3.) Together with the issues above the advantages are too few to let me put any 
time into this
    (I already wasted too much time on testing and writing these emails ;-) )

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