On 2017-05-24 19:11, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
You never developed a real world compiler and you have no real
insight into fpc development so you cannot know about this.

As a technical consultant for many clients I have seen a boat load of projects from banking to online trading to educational etc. I'm sorry to bust your bubble, but how different can compiler development be. I'm not talking about the recursive build process, I'm talking about bug fixes and implementing new features.

Who tests and signs? Our testing facilities cannot test more than a
few (1, 2 maybe 3) branches nightly as we use build farms used also

Like the Git project, you can merge all new work into a testing branch. That could be what "trunk" is now. Once features have been tested by FPC core members or community - using that trunk branch, those signed off features can be merged into a more stable development branch... lets call it "develop" (or in terms of the Git project, call in "next"). The "next" branch will always be more stable that "trunk". The "next" branch is also the one the next release (hence the name) will be based forked from.

If you haven't found the Git project documentation on this workflow, I'll find it for you and post the URL.

I think actually the 'git help workflows' command lists that same information.


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