On 09/10/15 09:33, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> Bo Berglund wrote:
>> I have asked about this on the Pi forum instead, but I fear noone 
>> (almost) over there use free-pascal so I have no high hopes.
> The point is that this question is completely unrelated to Pascal or
> Free Pascal. It's a basic Unix/Linux usage question, which is
> independent of the used programming language. If you ask how to
> access "GPIO pins on RPi2 without root" on a Linux/Raspberry forum,
> any answer you will get will equally apply to FPC as to any other
> language. You already have the Pascal code to access the pins from
> the wiki, per a previous post of yours, so you don't have to mention
> FPC/Pascal at all.
> You just mentioned that you don't like to subscribe to mailing lists
> because you already receive many mails. By posting mails on a list
> that are not really on topic, you make that exact same problem worse
> for other people that do prefer to use email rather than use a web or
> nntp interface.

Hi Jonas,

would you support us, writing to Gmane to actually subscribe to
fpc-other mailing list ? 

Gmane is nice not just for storage, I just more like separation of traffic
between my emails and the actual discussions; like in the olden days...
and I'm sorry but forums don't really cut it for me, for various reasons.

el es

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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