Update on browser standards

An update on Googles browser standards

About a year ago we warned about the issues of the Chromium/Blink web rendering 
engine and how Google is essentially dictating the direction of web technology 
to their advantage.

It now appears via multiple sources that this is becoming that case at least 
for their direct web services.

The short take on the story is that a lot of free software browsers, some of 
which happen to have provided the technology base of Chrome, are now being 
denied access under the guise of 'security'. While these browsers combined 
usage makes up less than 0.1% of Internet traffic, that Google has gone out of 
the way to deny the users access is a dangerous precident. To make matters 
worse, if you make these browsers report to Google that they are 'Google 
Chrome' - Googles own proprietary browser, then these sites work as intended 
making the whole idea look more preposterous.  

While this warning has not been seen universally by users and it appears to be 
in the trail stage, this is a very worrying for the free and open internet and 
the software that we use on it. Essentially the software maker, being Google, 
is able to dictate what people can use online using their software platform and 
online websites. 

Google has now made a few actions that are determined to control how the 
internet is used for their own gain.

Chrome is designed to dictate the technology base that people have to use, by 
having technology that can only be rendered properly by their browser, this 
sets the standards by which most web developers will aim to hit. This is to the 
detriment of anyone using non-google technology. 

It may be small user base browsers today, in future it might be things like 
Firefox and eventually all non-Chrome browsers - even ones that use the same 
'open-source' code base. This is the situation we found the internet in at the 
end of the last decade with Microsoft's Internet Explorer dominating how 
internet technology would be shaped. It took the efforts of Mozilla and the 
Firefox project to finally break free from this situation.

Google is also directly dictating to web content providers to use their systems 
such as AMP technology so that run websites on their servers, making them load 
faster than they typically would and this is enhanced when using their browsers 
so that any competition looks bad by comparison.

Google uses many other techniques but these main ones are used to direct you 
into Googles profit machine at the expense of your choice of software and thus 
your privacy.

Over the last few years it has become apparent that more web browser technology 
is being dictated down from Google and less about letting technology find its 
own place via dis-census. That is, it is being designed rather than evolving. 
Technology is being used to squeeze out competition and free software based 
browsers are clearly being targeted. Google has misused API's to make 
performance run slowly on other browsers, dictated how DRM should be 
implemented online so that others cannot support the same standards and in 
general just made a technology target that favors it over other agreed 

The best solution to a problem is to prevent the problem in the first place. 
That means having to avoid using these controlling technologies and to support 
those that have your back covered. By supporting free software and open 
standards that is what you are doing. Every time you use a Free-software 
browser and a website doesn't work properly, let the sites admin know about it. 
If they don't want to fix it - don't use it. You are better off not being 
forced into a compromised position. 

In the coming decade this will only get worse. With the increasing profit needs 
of Google, increasing operations costs, decline in return on computer hardware 
improvements, ever increasing demand so of users and the apathy of those same 
users that makes them accept these changes with little questioning, we are 
slowly walking down a road that is very difficult to recover from. It took 
almost a decade to turn it around last time with Firefox and that was through 
the arrogance of Microsoft not keeping their eye on the ball and assuming that 
they could never fall. This time it may not be possible as it is a very 
deliberate and targeted attack on users choices. If we don't try to fight this 
then we have lost already. If we wait until it is unbearable, it will be near 
impossible to overcome in any meaningful way.

Michael Verrenkamp

Committee Member Free Software Australia/Melbourne
Advocating for freedom in computer software.
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