Hi also Les and others, thanks for your replies. But, in this email ...

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 10:25:41PM +1100, Russell Coker via Free-software-melb 
> On Saturday, 24 February 2024 14:38:27 AEDT John wrote:
> > I've tried to get onto matrix, but the search window seems blind to my
> > return key and I can't actually go to any room.  So, I'll settle in here
> > for the present.
> What Matrix client are you using?

app.cinny.in in my firefox browser, 123.0, 64bit.
> What's your Matrix address?  I can invite you to the Flounder room.


> > There's multiple issues I've found with my ppp so far.  I don't know
> > whether they're to do with the Kali install, the underlying kernel, or
> I'm using Debian/Unstable which seems reasonably good.

OK, I'll look into it. Maybe I can update some packages without doing a 
complete re-install, as kali pinephone is built on debian. There's
dependencies, but we'll see.

> > One issue is that during a voice call, the phone does not respect the
> > volume control.  The ppp chip runs a "feed through" and it seem the
> > pulse audio driver does not know to adjust the volume setting inside of
> > the chip during such a feed-through, because there's no real "output" as
> > such.  I've written a daemon to monitor the volume setting and write a
> > scaled value to the speaker volume setting inside the chip with amixer.
> When I first tried Debian on a PinePhonePro it had problems with voice calls. 
> Now it seems to be working better but I haven't tried much in the way of 
> serious calls.

OK, I'll see if I can re-install their pulseaudio package, I'm happy if that
fixes things. Equally, if it is the same version, that's worth knowing. 

> I recently did a test to make sure that it works on Voice over LTE and that 
> seems OK, I didn't test the quality.  I will do that when I get my spare SIM 
> back (hopefully in a few days).

OK, cool.
> > Another is that the microphone does not seem to work at the start of a
> > voice call. You can fix this by cycling the speakerphone setting, but I
> > don't know why this fixes the issue.
> Sounds like a big worth reporting to the distribution.  But is using such a 
> device as an actual phone something that the Kali people really care about?

OK, fair point. I'm puzzling over what package would be responsible for this.
Can you see this problem?

> > The message telling you about missed calls does not translate numbers
> > into people in your address book ( though, strangely, the screen popup
> > can do this ). I have a script to update the sqlite database, but have
> > not yet got it automated.
> Sounds like you are doing some good work on this.  It might be better for you 
> to use Debian/Unstable, file bugs against Debian, and get write access to the 
> Debian wiki to document things.

I'll look into it, but too many times in the past I've "jumped ship" only to
find the original problems were still there. I'd be more confident if I 
could see how things are different in the change logs, and suggestive of a

At present, I was getting it automated, but the phone isn't registering 
missed calls like it used to. I don't know why, but hopefully it will make
more sense soon.

> > There's some issues with getting a phonecall done via bluetooth - you can
> > with some manual pulseaudio fiddles get it going, but for the present the
> > "proper" phone headset is beyond me. But I hope to at least be able to
> > get bluetooth mic and headset running as separate items.
> It's been reported that Wifi 2.4GHz and Bluetooth conflict.  Which is 
> particularly annoying given the battery life issues and the fact that 5GHz 
> Wifi apparently uses more power.

I've not seen such a conflict, just that the drivers don't work without 
making "manual" pulseaudio routes.

> > There's a decent number of minor app frustrations.  You can do a call
> > from the message log, but you cannot send a message from the call log.
> > The phone log repeats sequential calls, but would be better if a series
> > of calls had a (n) after that for repeats.  I hope to fix these issues
> > with time, or maybe find a better install if can be *sure* it fixes the
> > problems.  I'm poking around trying to understand the details of the
> > interface better, and plan to watch a youtube video on phosh ( phone
> > shell).
> I preer KDE Mobile but Phosh seems preferred by Purism and Pine64 employees.

The apps responsible are calls and chatty, which are called by phosh IIUC.
Does KDE use different apps for phonecalls and text?

> > Quite some hurdles, but I'm up for it, and curious about others'
> > experiences. Maybe other people with other installs / kernels don't
> > see my problems?
> I think that very few people try to make calls on a PinePhone at this time.  
> Last time I tried that I went back to Android for calls etc after 3 days.  I 
> plan to try again in a month or so.

OK, thanks.

You can have my money, if you must - but not my identity.

John August, Permutations : https://johnaugust.com.au
             Vice-President, NSW Humanists - www.hsnsw.asn.au
             Pirate/Fusion Candidate: Bennelong 2016, Senate 2019, Bennelong 
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