On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 02:43:07PM +0200, Claude Buisson wrote:
> I do not see a real interest of filling a PR for cvsup1.fr. I have just done 
> the
> same test with the same result with cvsup5.de and cvsup10.us.
> www.mavetju.org/unix/freebsd-mirrors/ have all cvsup mirrors in red, and IIRC
> someone wrote on hubs@ that the current test for mirrors was flawed because it
> tried at a now inexistent file. And someone else wrote that the project does 
> not
> want anymore mirrors which are not under its direct control.

I will do what I can to look into this.

> It is clear that there have been a problem at least with lists.freebsd.org, 
> but
> what astonishes me is the fact that in our glorious 21th century, nobody 
> thought
> to inform people on the mailing lists, or on the home page of www.freebsd.org
> (no, I do not want to be on Twitter or FaceBook for that kind of information).

I absolutely understand, and appreciate your input about this.  I am
sorry that you feel people within the Project do not care.  But, I
assure you, that is not the case.

I cannot speak for anyone but myself in the Project, but as someone who
has direct access to make such a chanage to the FreeBSD.org website, I
apologize for the lack of announcement.  You are right - there should
have been some sort of "Some services may be disrupted for a bit", or
similar there.  I am sorry this was not done.

> Thank you for taking the pain of reading my emails.

Thank you for taking the time to outline your concerns.


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