--- Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There was a "request" for Tor related problem reports
> a while ago, I couldn't find the message again, but I
> believe it was posted here.

> Is anyone on this list running a Tor node on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
> or later with similar or higher load?

I am hitting the same issue still Fabian.  I had that PR closed as
"works for me" with insignificant testing.  I am still crashing (as
before) but maybe only once every week or two instead of every couple
hours with 6.1 RELEASE.  The PR really should be reopened.  Couple
other folk have emailed me with similiar issues offline (and also spoke
with it about me on IRC).

I am still 99% sure this is NOT A TOR ISSUE!!!  I have spoken with many
tor users on other platforms and the actual developers and this is not
seen by any of them.  I can also recreate this crash NOT running tor
but just generating a heavy load with freenet and i2p.  My gut feeling
is still a network code regression between 5.x -> 6.x with the stack
rewrite. I am at a loss how to troubleshoot this anymore (as noted in
the PR and my earlier email).  I truly hope somebody (e.g. a developer)
can shed some light on this issue or troubleshoot it.
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