Hi Jerome, as said, I would recommend a little dialog in the
installer for the MKEYB keyboard languages only, with a REM
line in the config to let people enable other layouts with
the bigger KEYB manually at a later moment. See the list here:

> C:\>mkeyb /L
> mKEYB 0.34 [Sep 18 2002] - all languages Copyright (c) 2002 www.tomehlert.de
>  DK - DENMARK - daenish keyboard, no combi's (by tom)
>  GR - GERMAN - deutsche Tastatur (by tom)
>  GR2- GERMAN2 - deutsche Tastatur mit internatinalen Umlauten (by tom)
>  IT - ITALY - italiano keyboardo (by tom)
>  LA - Latin American - keyboardo espanolo latino americano (by tom)
>  NL - NETHERLANDS - dutch keyboard (by Bart)
>  NO - NORVEGIAN - norske keyboard (by tom)
>  PL - POLISH - polska klawiatura (by tom, verified by michael)
>  PO - PORTUGAL - portugese keyboard (by tom)
>  RU - RUSSIA - russian Keyboard (by arkady)
>  SF - SWISS FRENCH - (by tom)
>  SG - SWISS GERMAN - schweizer deutsches Keyboard, keine combi's (by tom)
>  SP - SPANISH - keyboard with combis (by aitor)
>  SU - SUOMI - finnish Keyboard, keine combi's (by tom)
>  SV - SWEDISH - swedish Keyboard, keine combi's (by tom)
>  UK - UNITED KINGDOM - british keyboard, no combi's (by Bart)
>  BR - BRAZIL - portuguese keyboard with combis (Henrique Peron)
>  BX - BRAZIL EXTENDED - portuguese keyboard with combis (Henrique Peron)
>  FR - FRENCH - claviature francais (by tom-untested)
>  HE - HEBREW - hebrew keyboard (by diego)

Cheers, Eric

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