Arduino port of FreeDOS has many issues. Certain issues Arduino Port of FreeDOS are indicated below:

For developing this port, we should remove certain device drivers these are manage missing device on Arduino. These drivers are: Floppy disk driver, Hard disk driver, CD-R driver, DVD-R driver, PATA device driver, PC speaker driver, IEEE 1284 printer port driver, keyboard driver, mouse driver, complex memory drivers, gameport driver, MDA/CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA/SVGA driver and APM driver.

For developing this port, we should remove disk cache support.

For developing this port, we should remove ISO9660 filesystem driver.

For developing this port, we should remove codepage support. Because, codepage changing for terminal emulator on running. We can use UTF-8 for internationality. Programs' port for this Arduino port should support UTF-8.

For developing this port, we should code optimizations for Arduino.

For developing this port, we should code changes for 8 bit and 32 bit processor architectures.

For developing this port, we should add certain device drivers these are manage device on Arduino. These drivers are: GPIO driver, PWM driver, ADC driver, SPI driver, I2C driver, UART driver, internal flash storage driver, internal EEPROM driver, external EEPROM driver, SD card driver and Wiznet Ethernet driver. These are simpler than IBM PCs' complex devices.

For developing this port, we should implement some BIOS functions on FreeDOS source code (FreeDOS kernel source code). Also, this provides portability. For example, supporting UEFI without BIOS on x86 or supporting Raspberry Pi.

For developing this port, we may remove DOS MZ executable file (.EXE files) support. Because, DOS MZ executable standard too complex for Arduino. This port supports only raw machine code (.COM files).

For developing this port, we should develop bootloader for Arduino that support FreeDOS for Arduino. These bootloader size is too little. These bootloader is FreeDOS kernel and it loads CONFIG.SYS, COMMAND.COM and AUTOEXEC.BAT on SD card.

For developing this port, we should redefine BIOS interrupts and FreeDOS APIs.

For developing this port, we should put many message strings on command memory (flash memory). Because, data memory (RAM) is more limited.

Issues are reproducible.

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