On 8/30/2011 1:46 AM, escape wrote:
> Great to hear, as mTCP becoming "all-you-need-for-dos-networking" 
> solution. BTW what do you think about how hard it wiil be to implement 
> DOS-based rsync server, even if feature-limited?

I started looking at the rsync client - getting past the compiler and 
build system dependencies is a major chore.  There are funny things like 
"typedef int int" in there that Watcom doesn't like; unraveling the 
macro pre-processor expansions to find the culprits takes time.  I 
suspect that the change to use mTCP instead of Watcom will be far 
easier, but it takes a while to get to that point.  Depending on the 
rest of the client, the speed difference may not be that great - that 
remains to be seen.  (If it is mostly tied up in disk I/O or something 
cpu intensive then the TCP part might not make that much of a difference.)

An rsync server?  I need help ...  there is not enough time in the 
world.  (To that end I've been updating the Wiki documentation at the 
Google project hosting site - I've added a lot of design documentation 

On a slightly related topic, I've been thinking about what to do on the 
smaller machines to increase the amount of working storage.  With a 
strict programming API I can use temp files as backing storage, kind of 
like implementing bank switched memory but backed by hard disk storage 
instead.  Pretty slow, but better than not having any extra memory 
storage.  One thing that frustrates me is that there is no way to make a 
'bad' pointer on an 8088.  Sure, the pointer can point to garbage, but 
there is no way to create a pointer that forces an interrupt.  That 
would help things tremendously, especially when it comes to the part 
about testing and making the code robust.  (It can be done with some 
extra hardware, but I don't think I'm that crazy yet.)  Why the 
interested in memory allocation?  I suspect that things like rsync are 
going to be limited by memory ...

Also slightly related - Pasquale Villani.  I am late to FreeDOS and 
reading the news of his passing reminds me of how much I owe to others 
in general ...


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