[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rainer Clasen) wrote:
> I've taken the changes from CVS and applied them to my patched version
> (only logging enhancements). proxy.c:1.52-1.53, radiusd.c:1.238-1.239.
> I got the following backtrace:
> (gdb) p *request
> $1 = {magic = 16909060, packet = 0x0, proxy = 0x0, reply = 0x0,

  And that's the magic number saying that src/main/util.c, function
request_free() was called on the request.

  That is, SOMETHING deleted the request while it was still alive.
That can ONLY result from a call to request_free(), or rl_delete().

  If you add log messages to log the request number before any call to
request_free() or rl_delete() (only in radiusd.c), then you can at
least tell *which* call resulted in it deleting an active request.
That will help a lot in tracking down the problem.

  Another suggestion is to start the server, and then add an entry in
'radiusd.conf', which is 'debug_level = 2'.  Send a HUP signal to the
server, and you will get all of the debugging logs going to the log
file, and it will still run in threaded mode.

  There will be a *lot* of log messages, though.

> again, the proxysecret belongs to a server marked dead immediately
> before the crash. 

  That shouldn't be a problem...
> But the secret belongs to a NAS usually not used by users of this realm.
> There was no matching entry (realm + NAS) in the logfile.

  That's a problem.

> In all cases it was due to non-auth requests.

  That's another piece of the puzzle, which is important.  Accounting
requests are deleted immediately after a response is sent to the NAS,
as there can be no duplicate accounting requests.

  It may be deleting the request too soon...

  Another suggestion is to go to radiusd.c, around line 2377.  It says
"Cleaning up request %d ID %d with timestamp %08lx".  Change the 'if'
condition before that so it does NOT check for PW_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST.
If that makes the difference, then it's narrowed down.

  I'll take another look at the code to see what the heck is going on.

  Alan DeKok.

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