On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 01:39:41PM -0500, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this a good time to inquire whether Freeradius CVS fixes the bug
> > where the server doesn't set the source address in its response packets,
> > causing problems if radiusd is running on a server with multiple IP
> > addresses? :)

>   The server doesn't set the source IP address.

>   Hmm... if 'bind_address' is set, then the proxy fd *should* be bound
> to that IP address, too.  That currently isn't done.  Luckily, it's a
> ~5 line patch.

Our problem is orthogonal to the proxy code.  We have freeradius running
on a machine that currently straddles two subnets as part of our
migration plan.  NASen are configured to point to the server's IP
address on one subnet or the other.

Freeradius receives a request from a NAS sent to IP address a.b.c.d;
it handles the request, and sends back a reply without explicitly
choosing a source IP address for the socket -- it may be the right IP
address, it may be (depending on what the kernel decides) a wrong one.

bind_address seems to call for a single IP address as an argument.  We
do need to run radiusd on two IP addresses.  I could always run two
instances of radiusd (one with a bind_address for each interface), but
it'd be nice if freeradius had some way of handling this scenario 

Just a wishlist request, really, and a tongue-in-cheek response to your 
post -- maybe the bass-ackwards radius server the original poster is
connecting to is a multihomed freeradius server? ;)

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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